"...aerialist Lisa Giobbi embodies the titular tree nymph of Greek mythology...she floats up and along the branches of a towering tree, achieving an otherworldly illusion of weightlessness.”
- New York Times | October 10, 2021
"...aerialist Lisa Giobbi embodies the titular tree nymph of Greek mythology...she floats up and along the branches of a towering tree, achieving an otherworldly illusion of weightlessness." - New York Times, October 10, 2021
"...aerialist Lisa Giobbi embodies the titular tree nymph of Greek mythology...she floats up and along the branches of a towering tree, achieving an otherworldly illusion of weightlessness.”
- New York Times | October 10, 2021
Lisa Giobbi is a choreographer and aerial artist. She is the Artistic Director of the Lisa Giobbi Movement Theatre which she founded in 1991. She has performed with and choreographed for the MOMIX and Pilobolus dance companies.